Exemplary People

ROLE MODELS Leading Positive Change for a Better World
In our ➡️ platform on exemplary people we have handpicked hundreds of the most influential changemakers, activists, environmentalists, peace advocates, journalists, whistleblowers, human rights defenders, politicians, economists, scientists, and philanthropists who are changing our world for the better.
With over 21,000 links, and an excellent Twitter list for you to follow, you will never be short of motivation and inspiration. We all have the potential to make this world a brighter, more peaceful, and just place, and together we really can make a difference.
For German speakers we recommend visiting our partner site Bessere Welt Info for 6,000 links to role models from a European perspective. Checkout the category Vorbilder for more information.
As Nelson Mandela said, “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference.”

The Right Livelihood Award
The RLA is often referred to as the ‘Alternative Nobel Peace Prize,' it honours and supports courageous people and organisations that have found practical solutions to the root causes of some of today's biggest global problems.
Explore over 5,000 links including information on the Global University Partnership Initiative, the Right Livelihood College, and a year-by-year guide to the laureates since 1980 including key information on their important work and related topics. The RLA, like ourselves are committed to peace, justice, and sustainability, and by supporting their work we hope to raise vital awareness and expand their reach to the wider public.
Along with many others, you can learn about the work of Indigenous rights activist Freda Huson, Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, Nicaraguan social and human rights advocate Bianca Jagger, Belarusian pro-democracy activist Ales Bialiatski, and Russian Human rights organization Memorial.

Whistleblowers and Journalists
Responsible for the dissemination of truth and the exposure of corruption and fraud, we rely on whistleblowers and journalists to create a more informed and engaged society. They form an essential part of upholding democracy, protecting our rights, and exposing government and corporate wrongdoings - often at great risk to their own safety, livelihoods and freedom.
Find excellent guides to the work of Julian Assange and his Wikileaks project, Edward Snowden, Frances Haugen, Brittany Kaiser, Daniel Hale, and Chelsea Manning. We have also collated links and resources for whistleblowers, including information on secure drop, and attempts by governments to supress their findings.
Never before has access to unbiased and truthful news been so important. The global threat to journalists is at its highest level as they continue to face intimidation, internet censorship, political pressure, imprisonment, and even death.
From 2016 to the end of 2020, UNESCO recorded 400 killings of journalists. Just as concerning is the global rate of impunity for these murders. Nine times out of ten, the case remains unresolved creating a continued cycle of violence. Press freedom is a major pillar to democratic societies – journalists must not be silenced.
Our unique directory on journalism highlights the work of the world's most influential broadcasters, investigative journalists, and foreign correspondents. Learn more about the work of people such as Glenn Greenwald, Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Anna Politkovskaya, Shireen Abu Akleh, and Abby Martin.

Role Models for Peace
Peace activists, anti-war campaigners, nonviolence advocates, conscientious objectors, war resistors, peace educators, and influential voices for peace are essential in forming a world which is democratic, just, stable, safe, and free from corruption, oppression, and war profiteering.
As we have seen time and time again, war never brings peace, only suffering, destruction, and death. Despite the proven success of peaceful solutions in ending and preventing violence,
"The world is over-armed and peace is under-funded," Ban Ki-Moon.
For example, the U.S military budget for 2021 was $801 billion, with over one million people in active military duty. Whereas the U.S budget for the Peace Corps was $508 million. This accounts for less than 1% of the foreign operations budget.
We are committed to the peace movement, and all those who support a peace first approach. By highlighting the work of people such as Nelson Mandela, Albert Schweitzer, Bertha von Suttner, Mahatma Gandhi, Kathy Kelly, Megan Rice, Jan Oberg, and Vijay Mehta, we aim to honour their legacy and dedication, as well as inspiring hope for a more peaceful world.
Be sure to check out our platform for peace with over 100,000 links devoted to peacebuilding and nonviolence and related topics such as conflict regions and the military.

Role Models for the Environment
With environmental issues now a top priority for seven in ten people, and the effects of climate change negatively affecting about 85% of the world's population, it is no wonder that inaction by governments on key environmental issues has become a prime concern for many activists, environmentalists, scientists, and rights defenders.
As climate law becomes stronger, and more and more citizens take matters into their own hands, it proves that even the actions of one person can make a difference.
The effects of the fossil fuel industry, deforestation, intensive agriculture, transportation, and over consumption are causing unprecedented flooding, wildfires, drought, heatwaves, biodiversity loss, climate instability, refugees, extraordinary financial costs, and even conflict across the globe.
We take a look at some of the most important people driving the climate movement and pushing for environmental protection including Greta Thunberg, Berta Cáceres, Wangari Maathai, Bill McKibben, and Steven Donziger.
For further information on the future of our planet, check out our comprehensive platforms for environment, the climate crisis, and nature.

Role Models for Human Rights
Many people around the world are still fighting for their rights due to persecution based solely on their race, gender, age, religion, place of birth, skin colour, or sexual orientation. Many are not even aware that they have had their rights stripped from them and live under daily violations of their freedoms.
We honour the courageous rights defenders, educators, activists, and NGOs who standup for the voiceless in the name of equality and justice. Right advocates raise awareness, promote and protect the civil, social, and political rights of others, and effect positive change for a more equal world.
Those working in this field face numerous challenges, some which place their lives in danger. They often become the enemy of powerful governments, criminal groups, gangs, and corporations. In 2019, Colombia witnessed one human rights defender killed every four days. Smear campaigns, threats, arrest, corrupt judicial processes, and forced disappearances are also commonplace, more often than not with complete impunity.
Learn about brave human rights advocates past and present such as Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Rachel Corrie, Malalai Joya, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Shirin Ebadi, Vittorio Arrigoni, and many others. For further reading on human rights in general we recommend heading to our excellent platform for human rights with over 40,000 hand-picked links dedicated to our rights and freedoms.

Role Models for Social Justice
Social justice is the concept of fairness between individuals in society. Equal access to opportunities, education, healthcare, income, employment, and legal representation are unfortunately still a goal that society is striving for. It is about recognizing and eliminating inequalities in order to build a just and inclusive world for everyone.
As Desmond Tutu said, “Exclusion is never the way forward on our shared paths to freedom and justice.”
There are many groups of society which find themselves marginalised, underrepresented, or treated poorly simply because of their gender, sexual preferences, racial background, nationality, or religious beliefs.
We have selected some of the most inspiring social justice advocates, human rights experts, and equality campaigners for you explore and gain inspiration from. Finds guides to the work of Mother Teresa, Sulak Sivaraksa, Krishnammal Jagannathan & Sankaralingam, Kiran Bedi, and Karen Woo amongst many others.
For further information on Social Justice, check out our platform for equality and justice featuring key social justice themes such as economic inequality, workers' rights, the LGBTQI+ community, minorities, refugees, racism, inclusion, empowerment, community service, and education.

Role Models for Women
“I raise my voice not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. We cannot succeed when half of us are held back,” Malala Yousafzai.
As proud advocates for women's rights and gender equality, Better World Info aims to amplify the voices of women around the world and celebrate their successes and achievements. We live in a world where -
380 million women and girls live in poverty
1.2 billion women are denied access to safe abortions
12 million girls are married under 18 every year and,
130 million girls are not receiving any formal education
Search through our essential guides to girl's education, feminism, BAME women, women in technology, women in science, women and peace, women and the environment, women and politics, indigenous women, and the growing field of women’s philanthropy.
Amongst others, find important information on the work of female activists and exemplary women such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Melinda Gates, Dolores Huerta, Susan Anthony and the Suffragettes.

Role Models in Politics and Economy
World leaders carry huge responsibilities on their shoulders and must answer to the demands of their citizens. With the rise of right-wing authoritarianism, coups, armed conflict, corruption, and the pressing need for greater equality and climate action, the need for exemplary politicians is greater than ever.
We bring you a comprehensive guide to the leaders who are not afraid to stand-up for social justice, citizens' rights, peace, and the environment. Learn more about our heroes including Bernie Sanders, George Galloway, Nelson Mandela, Elizabeth Warren, Salma Yaqoob, and Kofi Annan. You can even find a compilation of historical political thinkers whose theories created a culture of critical thinking and greater political comprehension.
For inspiring economists redefining economic thinking here is our top selection of exemplary people in economy whose contributions to finance have created positive social change. Learn about Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, Bangladeshi social entrepreneur Muhammad Yunus, labour rights advocate Robert Reich, and Austrian Right Livelihood Award winner Leopold Kohr.
By highlighting and celebrating the work of these progressive thinkers, reform pioneers, social entrepreneurs, and financial experts thinking outside the box, we aim to inspire hope for a more just economic system where social uplift, not profit for the few, is the primary motivation.
Be sure to check out our extensive platform for politics with over 90,000 links aimed at promoting political and civic education, and the political participation of everyone, as well as our guides to global economics, democracy, and sustainable alternatives.

Role Models in Science and Education
Scientists and educators are responsible for the advancement of society and the shaping of young minds. Both professions contribute massively to the progression of humanity and the creation of a better and more knowledgeable world.
We take a look at various inspiring scientists whose dedication to their field has helped thousands in the form of medical and health discoveries, the development of technologies, a greater understanding of climate change, and many other lifesaving discoveries. Checkout our guides to Hans-Peter Dürr, James Hansen, Maurice Wilkins, Marie Curie and many others.
At Better World Info we advocate for quality, free, and accessible education for everyone. In our platform for education find information on girls' education, adult education, peace education, environmental education, sustainability education, human rights education, health education, financial education, and civic education.
We promote the invaluable work of the Global Teacher Prize who celebrate inspiring mentors, educational reformers, and those fighting for educational equality. Learn more about Keishia Thorpe who opened up education for low-income and immigrant students, Ranjitsinh Disale who transformed the lives of young girls in Maharashtra, India, and many others.

Role Models in Culture, Philanthropy and Religion
Culture is threaded into the fabric of our lives, its importance often undervalued and underfunded. The role that culture plays in creating tolerance, preserving traditions, languages, and quality of life must not be overlooked.
Our collection of artistic, literary, and musical role models showcases the talent of individuals who bring global attention to important issues, open the eyes of the general public, and use the stage for advocacy. Learn more about people such as George Orwell, Rebeca Lane, Woody Guthrie and many others.
With the popularity of philanthropy at its highest ever, and the need for investment in huge global issues such as poverty, environmental challenges, and healthcare, we want to celebrate the inspiring philanthropists who are using their money for social uplift and the greater good. People like MacKenzie Scott and George Soros, and organisations like the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative provide funding for long lasting change which can span generations.
Finally, we explore the impact of important religious leaders who have helped to bring more peace, stability, and tolerance to our world. Role models such as Roman Catholic priest Bruce Kent who campaigned for nuclear disarmament with the CND, peace activist and Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, and of course the Dalai Lama whose nonviolent opposition to the occupation of Tibet has drawn international praise.
For more information on these topics make sure to visit our extensive platforms for culture and religion all from the perspective of creating a better world.
How Can I Make the World a Better Place?
These brave and selfless individuals inspire us to make our own small differences. We can all strive to be a role model for others, even through the smallest of actions. Collectively, this is how we change the world.
Below we provide some tips on how you can start making small changes today -
Vote – By educating ourselves and making an informed choice we can ensure that responsible and democratic leaders are the ones in charge, and are held accountable for their decisions
Use your voice – Join a local protest, sign petitions, share informative posts online, use social media as an advocacy tool to raise awareness of issues that matter to you
Volunteer – Whether it be helping a neighbour with their groceries, in a community garden, or at a food bank. You can make friends, gain experience, learn new skills, and become more involved with your community all by sharing your time. Contact us today for volunteer opportunities with Better World Info
Pay it forward – Small acts of kindness and compassion go a long way to making the world a better place
Donate – Consider donating even a small amount to a project that is close to your heart, lots of small donations can make a big difference. Consider decluttering your home and gift your unwanted items to a local charity who are always happy to accept quality items for resale
“Activism is my rent for living on the planet,”
Alice Walker, American writer & social activist.
Author: Rachael Mellor, 22.08.23 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
For further reading on Exemplary People see below ⬇️
Info on Exemplary People
- Right Livelihood[4195]
- Whistleblowers[3921]
- Peace[3322]
- Environment[1904]
- Human Rights[1850]
- Social Justice[1060]
- Journalism[1485]
- Politics[508]
- Culture[1459]
- Economy[742]
- Politicians[1164]
- Philanthropy[683]
- Religion[98]
- Science[475]
- Education[76]
- Women
- Community Service[115]
- Other Exemplary People[166]
- Hero of the Month
- Better World Heroes of the Year
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Featured Organisation of the Month
The Goldman Prize
This Prize honors the achievements and leadership of grassroot environmental activists from around the world. Through recognizing these individual leaders, the Prize seeks to inspire citizens to take extraordinary actions to protect our natural resources.