Daisaku Ikeda (Japan)
- DAISAKU IKEDA - SGI President8781
- Daisaku Ikeda - Nuclear Weapons Abolition392709
- Daisaku Ikeda - Nuclear Disarmament392710
- SGI's President - Peace Proposals8782
- @daisakuikeda_of392713
- YouTube8784
- Wikipedia8783
- Soka Gakkai International - SGI8786
- SOKA University - Daisaku Ikeda392723
- Soka Gakkai International - Wikipedia8787
- Daisaku Ikeda - Soka Global 393767
- Daisaku Ikeda's Peace Proposal for 20148788
- Peace Proposal 2010 - Towards a New Era of Value Creation8789
- Daisaku Ikeda's Peace Proposals (1983 - 2005)8790
- Daisaku Ikeda's Peace Proposal 20058791
- Toda Institute - Global Peace & Policy Research (Daisaku Ikeda)8792
- Words of Wisdom - Daisaku Ikeda8793
- About Daisaku Ikeda - SGI USA8795
- About Daisaku Ikeda8796
- Humanism and the Buddha - by Daisaku Ikeda8798
- Amazon Books - Daisaku Ikeda (Author)8799
- Goodreads - Daisaku Ikeda392724
- Daisaku Ikeda (amazon)8800
- Nichiren Buddhism (amazon)8801
- Daisaku Ikeda Children's Stories - YouTube392726
- Daisaku Ikeda - Ikeda's Own Educational Influences392728
- For the Sake of Peace - Seven Paths to Global Harmony: A Buddhist Perspective (1)8805
- For the Sake of Peace - Seven Paths to Global Harmony: A Buddhist Perspective (2)8806
- Prominent Jazz Musician Herbie Hancock Reflects on Buddhist Daisaku Ikeda’s Impact on His Life - Time 22.12.23392716
- Daisaku Ikeda, Who Led Influential Japanese Buddhist Group, Dies at 95 - NY Times 29.11.23392715
- Death of Daisaku Ikeda Spotlights Separation of Politics and Religion - Japan Forward 26.11.23392719
- In remembrance of a luminary: Honoring Daisaku Ikeda's intellectual legacy - China Daily 21.11.23392718
- Ruling Coalition Partner Komeito Finds Itself at Crossroads Following Death of Founder Ikeda - Japan News 19.11.23392721
- Japan's Daisaku Ikeda, longtime Soka Gakkai lay Buddhist leader, dies at 95 - Reuters 18.11.23392717
- 25 Daisaku Ikeda Quotes From the Japanese Buddhist Philosopher - Everyday Power 27.06.23392720
- Japanese Buddhist Peacebuilder Urges G7 Leaders to Move toward "No First Use" of Nuclear Weapons at Hiroshima Summit - Antara 28.04.23392722
- Statement on the G7 Hiroshima Summit, the Ukraine Crisis and No First Use of Nuclear Weapons - SGI 27.04.23392730
- Ikeda and Toynbee: Another way of seeing things… - Transnational 06.04.23342410
- SGI President Issues Statement on Crisis in Ukraine and Calls for “No First Use” of Nuclear Weapons Pledge - Soka Gakkai 11.01.23392712
- The Quest for a World Without Nuclear Weapons - Soka Gakkai 01/23392708
- Why It’s Important to Care About Nuclear Abolition Right Now - World Tribune, 2023392711
- Daisaku Ikeda: Treasuring Every Individual - ICRC 05.10.21392727
- Who is Daisaku Ikeda? - Buddhability 04.09.20392725
- Buddhist Leader's Peace Proposal Calls for Urgent Action toward Disarmament and Increased Role for Youth - Mirage 28.01.19392731
- “Toward a New Era Of Peace and Disarmament” - World Tribune 26.01.19392729
- Book: Our World To Make: Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Rise of Global Civil Society South Africa's ICJ Genocide Case Against Israel - Ved Nanda and Daisaku Ikeda, 2015392732
- Daisaku Ikeda's proposal for nuclear weapons abolition - Waging Peace 20.10.09392714
- Buddhism Day by Day: Wisdom for Modern Life 2006 (amazon)8803
- For the Sake of Peace, by Daisaku Ikeda 2001 (amazon)8804
- Choose Peace: A Dialogue Between Johan Galtung and Daisaku Ikeda 1995 (amazon)8802
- Google Images8797
- Google News8785
- Time & Date - Tokyo8807