
Image of a stethoscope surrounding a small globe
Flickr | Marco Verch

Global Health Guide – Health for a Better World

Good health is crucial to living a fulfilling and happy life. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that up to 3.5 billion people – almost half the world's population – lack access to the health services they need.

Better World Info’s ➡️ platform for health provides over 18,500 resources on disease, health and politics, health education, healthy lifestyles, mental health, ageing, access to healthcare, our right to health, vaccinations, and healthcare in the developing world.

We believe that disparities in healthcare are one of the worst forms of inequality. Everyone has the right to sanitation, clean air, affordable medication, and access to trained medical professionals and quality infrastructure, free from discrimination and judgement.

Privatisation, austerity policies, health worker shortages, lack of social funding, the influence of Big Pharma, poor diets, the global food crisis, and the Coronavirus pandemic have all contributed to the setback of global healthcare goals. Sustainable Development Goal 3, ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’ must become a priority for governments and leaders as targets remain unmet.

There is an urgent need to strengthen global health systems. By providing adequate funding, as well as education, research, and intervention, health disparities in low-resource settings around the world can be eliminated.

"In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties" - Henri-Frederic Amiel

For up to the minute news by health, nutrition, and wellness experts, as well as important organisations, healthcare advocates, and leaders in the medical field, be sure to follow our Twitter lists on public health and healthy lifestyles.

Make sure to check out our related topics on human rights, social justice, and development & aid. German speakers should visit our partner site Bessere Welt Info for over 12,000 links on Gesundheit.


Red, pink, and white infographic on heart disease
Flickr | NIH Image Gallery

Guide to Common Diseases

Our information by disease category boasts over 15,000 resources all curated by a physician. We provide important information on prevention, developments in treatment, reports, organisations, and the latest research on the world's most deadly diseases.

In our infections section learn about the outbreaks of coronavirus, swine flu, monkeypox, malaria, AIDs/HIV, and other sexual transmitted diseases. There are also sections dedicated to cancer, psychiatry, neurology, diabetes, cardiology, and even mental health.

Chronic diseases are leading cause of death worldwide. In the U.S. heart disease and cancers are responsible for 40% of all deaths. Ischaemic heart disease is responsible for 16% of the world's total deaths.

Noncommunicable diseases accounted for 74% of deaths globally in 2019. People living in low-income countries are far more likely to die of a communicable disease. The figures are falling significantly, but even easily preventable diseases such as diarrhoea rank in the top 5 causes of death in developing nations.

Discover our special section dedicated to common diseases in children, including important organisations, health portals, and information on downs syndrome, autism, and ADHD.


Lots of bowls of colourful healthy food sit on top of a table
Unsplash | Dan Gold

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Disease Prevention

Coined by Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus, the phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’ has become a fundamental principle behind public health strategies around the world. Simple everyday lifestyle choices dramatically reduce our chances of falling ill.

Health is of course different for everyone, which is why we have created comprehensive guides dedicated to health for men, women, senior citizens, and children. Below we outline some important measures which can help us take back control of our health and improve our overall wellbeing.

  • We are what we eat. A balanced healthy diet is crucial for good physical and mental health. It is important to eat a variety of different food groups, to consider our nutritional intake, and limit our consumption of sugar and processed foods. Find further information on vegetarian and vegan diets here.

  • Physical activity is especially vital in today's society where many of us spend most of working days sedentary. Shockingly, only 28% of Americans are meeting CDC physical activity guidelines. This is having serious ramifications on obesity levels, rates of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even depression. Exercise is a known mood lifter and boasts many other benefits. Checkout our guides to fitness, sport, yoga, and exercise for the elderly.

  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Although the global number of smokers has significantly fallen, 22% of the worlds population still use tobacco. Smoking related illnesses include cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and lung diseases. Harmful use of alcohol kills more than 3 million people every year. The health and social costs of alcohol abuse is extraordinary.

  • Effective stress management. The vast majority of people report experiencing high levels of stress in their daily lives to the point of becoming overwhelmed or unable to cope. If not managed correctly, it can lead to a variety of health problems, including depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease. Methods that we can practice from our homes and adapt into our lives include yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques.

  • Protection against infections. The best way to protect ourselves from infections is by maintaining a high level of personal hygiene. Simple habits such as washing hands our hands thoroughly and regularly, avoiding close contact with sick people, preparing food safely, and staying up to date with vaccinations all make a big difference in our ability to avoid and fight infections.


Colour coded map of the world showing the share of people by country without access to at least basic sanitation services in 2020.
Statista | CC BY-ND 4.0

Health Care in the Developing World

Global health issues vary from country to country and are worsened by poor funding, medical staff shortages, inadequate education, weak infrastructure, and inadequate health policies.

One of the biggest challenges in developing countries is the lack of basic health services and resources. 3.6 billion people do not have access to clean water and basic sanitation. Poor sanitation and contaminated water are linked to transmission of infectious diseases such as cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, and typhoid.

Huge shortages of healthcare workers is another factor contributing to health inequality. The WHO estimates that by 2030, an additional 10 million health care workers will be needed, primarily in developing countries. Even in countries where there is adequate staffing, the distribution is limited to urbanised areas, leaving rural areas seriously lacking.

More than 3 billion people in the world cannot reach a healthcare facility within one hour on foot. This geographical barrier leaves poor families vulnerable and makes them much less likely to seek medical care when needed.

Infectious diseases remain a major problem in low-income countries. More than 90% of deaths from AIDS, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis, and malaria occur in developing nations. The spread of these treatable diseases needs to become a top priority to end healthcare inequality. Other serious issues in developing countries include lack of maternal care, malnutrition, and sexually transmitted diseases.

To improve healthcare worldwide, countries must work together, provide greater investment, and ensure that everyone has the right to health and access to medicine, regardless of country of birth or economic status. We need to urgently scale up our efforts to provide universal health coverage. Half of the world still lacks access to health services and 100 million people have been pushed into extreme poverty due to health expenses.

Even rich countries such as the US still do not provide guaranteed affordable access to healthcare. 85 million Americans either don’t have any form of health insurance or are underinsured. 30% of the adult population skip medical treatment because they cannot afford it, these figures are even higher in Black and Hispanic populations.

This system puts $69 billion per year profit before people and it is being replicated in other developed countries. In the UK, the once celebrated NHS is being systematically dismantled and sold to private healthcare companies for the highest price.


Close up image of two people wearing protective gear and latex gloves using trsting equipment in a laboratory
Pxhere | Tmaximumge

The Next Pandemic and New Threats to Global Health

Global threats to health change over time. The world's biggest threat to our health is undoubtedly climate change, the effects of which are being felt across the globe. One in four deaths can now be attributed to preventable environmental causes of which climate change is exacerbating. We examine various consequences of climate inaction including extreme weather events, drought and famine, floods, and heatwaves. Find further information on climate change mitigation, solutions, and how we can keep the 1.5C goal within reach.

Air pollution now accounts for 7 million premature deaths annually. The situation is so bad that 99% of the planet's population breathe air every day that exceeds the guideline limits recommended by WHO. Low and middle-income countries suffer from the highest levels of dangerous exposure.

Many parts of the world are also in the midst of a mental health crisis. One in every four people will struggle with mental health in their lifetimes, and 350 million people worldwide suffer with depression. Underfunding, lack of support and access to treatment, poor awareness of mental illnesses, and growing isolation are just a few factors which have contributed to the magnitude of this crisis. Devastatingly, suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15-19 year-olds.

Conflict, war, and persecution has forcibly displaced 71 million people who are living as refugees or asylum seekers. One in three experience high levels of mental health disorders, and there is a huge lack of psychosocial support for these people as the majority are located in low-income countries with scarce services.

Arguably the biggest threat to all life on Earth is that of nuclear weapons. Even their mere existence poses a threat to current and future generations. As the most dangerous weapon on Earth, we must fight for nuclear disarmament and bring the world back from the brink of destruction.

Another major concern is the next influenza pandemic. Experts agree that the world will face another global pandemic such as Coronavirus, it is just a matter of when. In the meantime, the focus must remain on preparedness and strengthening global defences and response systems for such health emergencies.

Noncommunicable disease including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease now account for 70% of deaths worldwide, 15 million of which are premature. These diseases are driven by 5 risk factors – tobacco use, lack of physical activity, alcohol abuse, poor diet leading to obesity, and air pollution.

Finally, antibiotic resistance which is now regarded as one of the greatest threats to human health. It is estimated that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was directly responsible for 1.3 million deaths in 2019, and was a contributing factor in 5 million deaths. Driven by overuse of antibiotics in humans, and animals (Big Meat), AMR puts the gains of modern medicine at risk, infections become harder to treat, and medical procedures become more risky.

Other major threats to human health include war and conflict, and their associated humanitarian crises, increasing militarisation, and endless weapons proliferation.

Colour coded map which shows the countries which have universal health care in 2018
Mirarkitty | CC BY-SA 4.0

Universal Healthcare for a Better World

A world without universal healthcare creates vast inequalities, divisions, and suffering. We must break the cycles of poverty and poor health and ensure that quality, affordable, and people centred healthcare is available to everyone.

The map on the left shows in green the parts of the world with universal health care, red for those without, and blue for those where healthcare is free but not universal.

"Without health care, how can children reach their full potential? And without a healthy, productive population, how can societies realize their aspirations?" - UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake

We often take our health for granted. It is important that we value our health and that we take measures to protect and care for it. By taking small steps towards a healthier lifestyle, making sure we get enough sleep, reducing our levels of stress, and scheduling regular checkups, we can all enjoy healthier and happier lives.

We believe that no one should get sick just because they are poor. Good health should not be reserved for the rich. It is the same as any other human right, and the SDGs play an important role in ensuring greater health equality. Access to safe drinking water, sanitation, nutritious food, adequate housing, education, and safe working conditions all contribute to both a healthier planet and population.

“The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition” - Constitution of the WHO

Author: Rachael Mellor, 25.01.24 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0

For further reading on Global Health see below ⬇️

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A close up image of the mpox virus sit next to the words Mpox in white infront of a dark background with other smaller viruses in the background
CCNULL | Marco Verch

Mpox Outbreak 2024

On 14 August 2024 the WHO declared Mpox a global public health emergency! 13 countries were reported to have confirmed cases of Mpox, with 96% of all reported cases and fatalities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. So far there has been a total of 14,000 cases reported globally and 524 reported deaths. A vaccination for high risk populations is available, but not currently in the DRC. - The virus is common in parts of Central and West Africa, but it has only recently been discovered in the EU, the US, Canada, and Australia. Mpox is a rare viral infection, it is usually mild, does not spread easily between people, and the risk to humans in the past has always been low. Investigation is taking place into why this outbreak is happening now, if the virus has changed, or become easier to transmit.    

Mpox Outbreak 2024
Gold logo of the World Health Organization hangs on a wooden wall. A snake is coiled around a staff infront of a mp of the world with the leaves of the UN symbol on both sides
United States Mission Geneva | CC BY 2.0

WHO Pandemic Treaty

The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty is set to be the first global effort to ensure public health security, financing, disease surveillance, and vaccine equity. In preparation for the next pandemic, we await to see if global collaboration and transparency can be achieved amongst rising criticism. Analysis of the draft accord here.

WHO Pandemic Treaty
Front page of the International Health Regulations Third Edition by WHO. The cover is blue, orange, and green with white writing
Divergent 2015 | CC BY-SA 4.0

International Health Regulations (IHR)

The IHR are a legal framework that outlines the rights and obligations for countries when dealing with public health risks. First adopted by WHO in 1969, WHO member states agreed to implement the regulations ‘to prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease.’ Alongside the creation of the new WHO Pandemic Treaty reforms have been proposed for the IHR as a new collective strategy for global health security, financing, disease surveillance, vaccine equity, global collaboration, and transparency.

International Health Regulations (IHR)
two people reading while sitting on books, in front of a screen showing two scientists at work.
Better World Info | Monica Lau

Coronavirus Pandemic

At Better World Info we aim to provide a world leading medical information resource on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: Over 19,000 links in English, German, French and Spanish have been carefully selected by a physician and are updated daily. Plus our great Twitter list with 385 virus experts. - Help us to share this unique internet guide so that this collection of information can benefit more people in the current pandemic. Expert input is most welcome!

Coronavirus Pandemic

Influenza Tips

Every year there is a flu season, even if we have been vaccinated in the past, we can get sick again. This happens because the virus undergoes small changes and can affect us again. Influenza is unpredictable and highly contagious and in this interconnected world this type of virus can have devastating repercussions.

Influenza Tips


Yellow teeth, no condition, bad breath. In the long run, regular smoking damages almost all human organs and increases the risk of cancer or cardiovascular problems. Addiction manifests itself through the function of the cigarette as a stress killer or pastime during lunch break. Suitable alternatives can help you to stop smoking. Better read a book or draw something, it might be more sustainable for your life.


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Obesity Epidemic

International Nurses Day - May 12

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International Nurses Day - May 12


The controversy around vaccination has existed since they were introduced and continue to this day. Most experts regard them as safe and effective, while some people have concerns regarding side effects in their bodies. Find out more about vaccines here.


HIV/AIDs Epidemic

A virus diagnosed for the first time in humans in 1981, HIV has affected more than 70 million people since. If not treated, HIV evolves into AIDS which has led to approximately 35 million deaths worldwide.

HIV/AIDs Epidemic

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K4Health shares accurate, up-to-date knowledge and tools to strengthen family planning and other public health efforts worldwide. They envision a knowledge sharing revolution in which program managers and service providers collaborate with and learn from each other, adapting and using knowledge to build stronger health systems.

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