Novel Coronavirus Guide

Image shows two scientists working on Covid-19 and two Students with books and working on notebook and tablet
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COVID-19 Guide

Here you will find a unique and comprehensive COVID-19 internet resource with ➡️ 12,500 English links, hand-picked by a physician. Important links are highlighted with an asterisk (*). We know how important it is for you and your family to have up-to-date and reliable information about the pandemic.

Visit for the latest news, statistics and analysis on the coronavirus and its economic and global consequences. Our links are divided into sections to give you quick access to the facts. We offer up-to-date info on corona vaccination and live access to ➡️ 385 virus experts (not updated, but still good) through our extensive Twitter list. Also on topics like Omikron, Home-Office, eLearning, and much more.

Click here for our ➡️ 6,500 German Corona links. - An excellent source of information and a unique contemporary document. - Please spread the word! - Input from experts is welcome.

Hot Topics

A bar chart displaying the rates of long COVID in the US by age and gender, according to the CDC Household Pulse survey
Anna Fleck | CC BY-SA 4.0

Long COVID - Late effects of Covid-19

Post-covid symptoms can last long after the infection has cleared, even for many years. The likelihood of long-covid occurring is greater after a severe infection of covid-19. Currently there is no test to determine if a person is suffering from long-covid, but common symptoms include fatigue, respiratory and heart problems, neurological problems, digestive issues, and many others which are still being investigated. Our guide to long-covid provides reliable information on the illness, developments in research, living with long-covid, and many excellent scientific papers and reports.

Long COVID - Late effects of Covid-19
Image of a AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine vial on its side with a needle in the top
Arne Müseler | CC-BY-SA-3.0

Post Covid Vaccine Syndrome – Risk Benefit Analysis

Up-to-date guidance on Covid-19 post-vac syndrome, complications, and side effects. While the majority of people suffer only very mild adverse effects after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination, there have been cases of people who have reported various types of blood clotting syndromes. It has since been proven that there is a causal relationship between the vaccination and the occurrence of thrombosis in combination with thrombocytopenia which exceeds normal expectations in the general population.

Post Covid Vaccine Syndrome – Risk Benefit Analysis

COVID-19 Vaccines

The first COVID vaccine in Europe became available in December already. In particular, the RNA vaccines from the companys Biontech and Moderna have proven to be very effective in initial studies. But a quick return to normal is not in sight for the time being. Because in order to achieve an effective herd immunity it will still take many months. Until then the wearing of face masks, keeping your distance and general hygiene measures still apply.

COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 Twitter List

Our Corona Twitter list now contains recommendations of 380 experts and health organisations - handpicked and compiled by a physician. This is the best resource to check for current developments in your home country and worldwide. Consult this list daily, stay ahead of politicians and the media and save yourself valuable time!

COVID-19 Twitter List
Mann im Labor, der mit einer Pipette unter der Werkbank arbeitet
State Public Health Laboratory in Exton - flickr

OMICRON Variant / South Africa - B.1.1.529

Serious global concern is spreading after the discovery of a new coronavirus variant in South Africa. Declared by the WHO as a Variant of Concern (VOC) with a large number of mutations, and high reinfection risk. South African travel restrictions have already been put in place by many countries hoping to control the spread. Low vaccination rates in the country are especially concerning, as well as the effectiveness of current vaccines against this new B.1.1.529 strain.

OMICRON Variant / South Africa - B.1.1.529

DELTA Variant / India - B.1.617

Also known as the "double mutant", the B.1.617 variant of the SARS-CoV-2 was first identified in India in October 2020 and is now the dominant variant all over the world. 

DELTA Variant / India - B.1.617

School Lockdowns

School lockdowns have had a disproportionate and damaging effect on the learning opportunities and well-being of young people globally. They are further contributing to the widening learning gap between social classes. If governments and policy-makers do not find solutions to ensure adequate education for all, a generation of youth will bear the burden of these restrictions for years to come. 

School Lockdowns

Face Masks & Shields

An unthinkable requirement in many countries a few months ago, masks are now a law: supermarkets or public transport will not allow you to enter without one. Politicians argue about the extent to which the requirement to use a mask will help control the pandemic. However, there is no doubt that face masks & shields reduce the contagion of COVID-19 and should be worn in crowded places and indoors. They protect both, the user and others.

Face Masks & Shields
Two hands wearing blue latex surgical gloves hold a globe of the Earth wearing a blue surgical mask
Flickr | Marco Verch

Crisis as Opportunity

Restricted travel, stagnating economies and fear leaves us with few positives that can be drawn from the crisis. However good initiatives such as solidarity movements, flexible working models, more conscious consumption and better infrastructure created during the pandemic will likely remain. The crisis should be seen as an opportunity to redefine basic democratic values and social behaviours such as Medicare for All, Healthcare not Warfare, Universal Ceasefire, Climate Crisis and Green New Deal.

Crisis as Opportunity

Corona Apps

Corona apps are intended to help slow down the spread of the virus and collect important data for research. There are now a whole range of country-specific apps for contact tracing, quarantine monitoring, information and data collection. Questions remain on the user privacy of these app.  Will personal information be used to fight the coronavirus or will it be used by the pharma industry, surveillance and data analysts?

Corona Apps

Recommended content

Dr. Celine Gounder

Hero of the Month

Dr. Celine Grounder and her Epidemic Podcast

Join American infectious disease physician and member of the U.S. Covid-19 advisory board every week. She goes beyond the headlines, delves into the science, and also the social impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The former U.S. Ebola czar and medical journalist discusses public policy, homelessness, vaccination, politics, and many other key issues with other health and disease experts. Excellent listen for those who want to understand the events that are currently shaping our lives.

un women 3

Featured Organisation of the Month

UN Women

UN Women have developed a special response to the coronavirus outbreak. They aim to reduce the negative impact it is having on women and girls, as well as creating a long-term and permanent recovery plan. They are focused on reducing violence against women, economic and social protection, supporting the equal sharing of care work, increasing women’s participation in covid-19 response and decision-making, and ensuring that data collection takes an inclusive approach. Take a look at their inspiring work here, and find many useful resources.

bmj 3

Featured Online Resource of the Month

The British Medical Journal's Coronavirus Hub

Provided by the British Medical Association, the BMJ is a peer-reviewed medical journal who created this free covid-19 hub to support healthcare professionals, researchers and educators in their response to the pandemic. It is updated daily, and aims to assist with decision making and includes practical and clinical guidance, the latest news, courses, infographics, information on the vaccine rollout, and the latest research and journals.

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