General Info
- #Our First Stand initiative62554
- Divided We Fail - AARP62555
- Manipulating Medicare - iWatch62556
- Health Care in the U.S. - Wikipedia62557
- Health Care Reform in the U.S. ! - Wikipedia62558
- Health Care Reform Debate in the U.S. ! - Wikipedia62559
- Give To Texas Children331512
- Health Care Reform Guide - Slate62560
- Public Health Insurance Option - Wikipedia62561
- US National Health Care Act - John Conyers62562
- Healthcare Is a Human Right Campaign - Vermont Workers’ Center (VWC)62563
- The Costs of Doing Nothing - AARP *.pdf62565
- The Cost Conundrum - New Yorker 6/0962566
- Health Matters in the 2008 Election - WebMD62569
- Compare the Candidates - WebMD62570
- Medicare (age 65 or over) - Wikipedia62571
- Medicaid (low income) - Wikipedia62572
- Hospital Corporation of America - Wikipedia62573
- Universal Health Care (not available yet) - Wikipedia62574
- Single Payer Healthcare (not available yet) - Wikipedia62575
- Just Health Care: The Labor Party's Campaign for National Health Insurance62581
- Medicaid & Children's Health62583
- Say Yes to National Health Care 10/0762584
- Publicly-funded Health Care (not in USA) - Wikipedia62586
- Socialized Medicine (not in USA) - Wikipedia62587
- Video: Medicare for All: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 202178
- Lown Institute454607
- @lowninstitute454609
- @LownInstitute - YouTube454608
- My Medicare62588
- Medicare (official)62589
- Healthy Americans Act (2007 and 2009) - S. 391 (Wikipedia)62591
- America’s Healthy Future Act (2009)- S. 1796 (Wikipedia) - not passed62592
- History of health care reform in the United States - Wikipedia62594
- 'We Need Medicare for All Yesterday': US Healthcare Spending to Hit $7.7 Trillion - CD 14.06.24419076
- 7 Questions to Ask to Protect Yourself From Medicare Advantage Scams - CD 21.11.23386074
- Memoir: The ER reveals “unvarnished truth” of broken system - Public Integrity 21.07.23368746
- On Their 57th Anniversary, Medicare and Medicaid Remain Under Threat - CD 28.07.22297830
- Video: Health care: America vs. the World - PBS NewsHour 22.04.21298137