General Info
- UNDP - Energy transition374582
- IEA - Global Energy Transitions Stocktake374584
- Science Direct374583
- MIT Global Change374710
- Financial Times374712
- OECD - Managing Environmental and Energy Transitions for Regions and Cities374711
- edX - Energy Transition Courses374709
- Amnesty International374708
- WWF374707
- Energy transition - Wikipedia374581
- Global Energy Transitions Stocktake - IEA 374585
- Five ways to jump-start the renewable energy transition now - UN 373187
- IRENA's Energy Transition Support to Strengthen Climate Action265605
- Massive Cuts in Research Funding Hamper Necessary Innovations in Key Technologies for the Energy Transition - ISE Fraunhofer 18.06.24422269
- Report: 2023 World Energy Outlook - Intenational Energy Agency 24.10.23379887
- Publication: World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023: 1.5°C Pathway - IRENA 06/23361680
- World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023: 1.5°C Pathway; Preview - Irena 03/23341427
- Publication: Energy transition - IMF 12/22374706
- Report: Energy Transition Investment Trends - Bloomberg NEF, 2022326727
- Report: Advancing the Global Energy Transition - REN 21 17.06.1731716