Digital Divide - Women & Low Income
- #DigitalGenderGap255444
- #DigitalGenderDivide255447
- #DigitalInclusion255448
- #EQUALSinTech255445
- @sheis_connected255446
- BBC Media Action - Digital women’s empowerment255436
- British Red Cross - Digital empowerment of refugee women255435
- Digital Gender Gaps - Using big data to measure global gender gaps in internet and mobile access255412
- eSkills4Girls - Resources255418
- Gender digital divide - Wikipedia255399
- Global Digital Women255415
- Zonta International - Expanding Access to Education301894
- GNWP - Impact on women and gender equality - worsened gender digital divide255409
- IGNITE - Infographic: How does access to technology lead to gender equality?255427
- ITU - Bridging the gender divide255402
- Plan International - Bridging the gender digital divide255395
- Plan International - Digital empowerment of girls255434
- She Transforms IT255414
- UNESCO - Women’s access to and participation in technological developments255424
- Report: What we know about the gender digital divide for girls: A literature review - UNICEF255397
- Report: Ways to bridge the gender digital divide from a human rights perspective - OHCHR 255400
- Bridging the digital divide: These tech projects are empowering global inclusion - WEF 28.09.23375831
- Guterres calls for end to digital divide, stressing ‘tremendous opportunities’ ahead - UN News 17.05.23346844
- Are Women the Key to Bridging the Digital Skills Gap? - FDM 13.03.23255421
- Empowering Women and Girls through Digital Access and Technology - WJP 06.03.23255440
- To educate and empower women, we must close the digital divide - WEF 04.08.22300181
- Digital gender gap: men 50% more likely to be online in some countries – report - Guardian 11.10.21257488
- Girlpower from Tajikistan to Costa Rica, helps narrow gender gap online - UN News 10.10.21257495
- Using digitization for gender equality - BMFSFJ 06.09.21255416
- Excluded: How women suffer from digital poverty in the UK - Al Jazeera 01.09.21255438
- India’s gendered digital divide: How the absence of digital access is leaving women behind - ORF 22.08.21255419
- Addressing the gender gap in a digital world - 17 Goals Magazin 24.07.21255413
- Announcing the EQUALS Global Partnership #GenerationEquality commitments - EQUALS 01.07.21255433
- EQUALS Global Partnership and female digital literacy - Borgen Magazine 27.05.21255428
- The women fighting for digital equality - BBC 21.05.21255410
- The gender digital divide - Story Maps 22.04.21255442
- The gender digital divide: Increasing women’s participation in digital learning - Lifelong Learning Blog 08.03.21255406
- Technology as the key to women’s empowerment: a scoping review - BMC 23.02.21255425
- Six strategies to increase young women’s access to digital jobs - World Bank Blog 02.11.20255429
- COVID-19 response strategies, addressing digital gender divides - G20 Insights 02.10.20255432
- Launch of the EQUALS Digital Skills Hub for girls and women - UNESCO 14.09.20255431
- The digital revolution: Implications for gender equality and women’s rights 25 years after Beijing - UN Women 08/20255437
- Offline and out of school - FP 23.07.20255441
- Closing the digital gender gap: Why now should have been yesterday - World Bank 09.06.20255403
- Video: Bridging the digital gender divide in time of social distancing - World Bank 26.05.20255430
- Op-ed: We cannot allow COVID-19 to reinforce the digital gender divide - UN Women 06.05.20255405
- Digital skills help Turkish women maintain an income amid COVID-19 - UN Women 06.05.20255439
- The gender gap in internet access: using a women-centred method - Web Foundation 10.03.20255426
- How women can help close the UK’s digital skills gap - Digital Leaders 03.03.20255420
- In tech-driven 21st century, achieving global development goals requires closing digital gender divide - UN News 15.03.19255417
- It’s not a skills gap, it’s a diversity gap - Workplace Insight 06.03.19255423
- Understanding the gender gap in the Global South - WEF 02.11.18255443
- Bridging the gender digital gap - G20 Insights 17.07.18255398
- Women are still on the wrong side of the digital skills gap - WEF 12.07.18255422
- As technology advances, women are left behind in digital divide - Reuters 10.07.18255407
- Report: The underlying causes of the digital gender gap and possible solutions - Europarl 03/18255401
- Report: Bridging the digital gender divide - OECD, 2018255396
- Report: Digital development and the digital gender gap - K4D 30.11.17255408
- 5 ways tech can help to close the gender gap - WEF 12.07.17255411
- What is the gender digital divide, and why should it matter for the SDGs? - IISD 30.05.17255404