General Info
- Labor NET174327
- Wikipedia - Trade Unions174328
- Category: Trade union stubs - Wikipedia174332
- UNI Global Union174333
- @UNIGlobalUnion174337
- @PJenningsUNI174338
- UNI Global Union - Wikipedia174342
- Union organizer - Wikipedia231396
- OECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics - Trade Unions174343
- Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD174346
- Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform - Workers & Trade Unions174347
- Trade unions – the facts (New Internationalist)174350
- The Economist explains: Why trade unions are declining174351
- Trade Union Principles and Guidelines on Development Effectiveness174354
- The World's Most Influential Trade Unions (CNBC)174355
- Global Labour University174358
- Book: International Handbook of Trade Unions (John T. Addison et al, eds. 2013)174359
- History of Trade Unions - Wikipedia174362
- Education International (EI)174363
- Labor: FAIR Resources174366
- China labour Net - China - eng, chi174367
- China labour Watch - chi, eng174370
- Workplace Fairness174371
- Making anti-war history in the trade union movement - YouTube 9/11174374
- TUC Union History Online (UK)174375
- Trade Unions of the World (The leading reference work on the international trade union movement)174378