- Pacifism - Wikipedia (no longer a list of famous pacifists)18720
- Pacifism - Early History18721
- Pacifism - Modern History18722
- Christian Pacifism - Wikipedia18723
- Anarchopacifism - Wikipedia18724
- Bart de Ligt: Non-Violent Anarcho-Pacifist - Satyagraha Foundation 388619
- PPU: Pacifist Reader18725
- PPU: What's At Stake *PDF18726
- FOR PACIFISTS (GANDHI) - highly recommended !18727
- Philosophy of Nonviolence - The Inevitability of Conflict (NVWeb, Archive)18728
- Philosophy of Nonviolence - Yes, but what about Hitler ? (NVWeb, Archive)18729
- Nonviolence : An introduction - Thomas Weber and Robert J. Burrowes18730
- April 2 wears the colours of peace - Pressenza 01.04.23338417
- Fundamental Pacifism and Real Pacifism - Sonnenseite 08.10.22310044
- Pacifism is the wrong response to the war in Ukraine - Guardian 24.06.22292452
- Noam Chomsky: can revolutionary pacificism deliver peace? - Noam Chomsky 11/1118731
- Adam Roberts on civil resistance - ikkevold 1/1218733
- Ahimsa - The Hindu Ethic of Non-Violence18734
- A Pacifist Dictionary - (Archive)18735
- Who killed the Cold War? 1/9518736
- Why I am a Pacifist - Peace Justice Committee18737
- Union Pacifiste (France) - page d'accueil - Google Safe Browsing Warning18738
- Pacifist organisation - Wikipedia18739
- Mahatma Gandhi Research Media Service - Books on Peace & Nonviolence in English18740
- "War against War" by Ernst Friedrich18741
- The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1894) - Leo Tolstoy18743
- The Kingdom of God Is Within You - Project Gutenberg18744
- Religion - Wikipedia18745
- Amazon Books - Search Results for "Pacifists" 18746