- NO to WAR – NO to NATO !115587
- NATO-FREE FUTURE - network for global justice & peace (Archives)115588
- Occupy Chicago NATO Week of Actions - CanTV 10.05.12115589
- Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda115593
- Call for International Days of Action - May 14-20 *.pdf - No to NATO115594
- National Nurses United115595
- Stop NATO (UK)115600
- Code Pink115601
- Chicago SPRING - May 12-21115602
- US NATO War Agenda - Global Research115606
- Informationsstelle MILITARISIERUNG (IMI) - NATO115607
- No to NATO - Platform Paper 7/10115612
- Guidelines: Keeping your activities nonviolent115613
- Call to Action: G8 & NATO Summits - Iraq Veterans Against the War115614
- NATO Summit Chicago 2012 - Call to Action *.pdf115618
- Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda 115619
- NATO Protests in Chicago - Occupy Peace115620
- Your NATO/G8 Primer - Chicago Reader 2/12115624
- "No NATO, No War": U.S. Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Return War Medals at NATO Summit - YouTube 5/12115625
- NLG Provides Wrap-up of Police Reaction to NATO Demonstrations - 25.05.12115626
- The Story Of NATO, As Hollywood Tells It - Chicagoist 16.05.12115627
- Three famous filmmakers here covering NATO protests - Reel Chicago 5/12115631
- The people stand against the NATO Summit in Chicago - Answer 5/12115632
- Time for NATO to face new realities: NATO's Core Function is to Advance US Global Interests and Foreign Policy Goals - Information Clearing House 21.05.12115633
- Stephen Lendman: Chicago Under Siege - OpEdNews 5/12115637
- Violent clashes between Chicago police and anti-NATO protesters - YouTube 5/12115638
- Occupying Different Worlds: NATO and Its Citizens - Truthout 5/12115639
- Nato talks security and peace, Chicago has neither - Guardian 5/12115643
- NATO occupies sweet home Chicago - Asia Times 19.05.12115644
- Who's who at NATO's banquet - Asia Times 5/12115645
- A Sea of Robin Hoods Tell the G8, It's Time to Tax Wall Street! - Common Dreams 20.05.12115649
- Nato summit: Chicago braced for more protests on day two – live blog115650
- US war veterans tossing medals back at Nato was a heroic act - Guardian 5/12115651
- Op-Ed: Veterans throw away medals in Chicago anti-NATO protest 5/12 (Video)115655
- Veterans Say No to NATO - Democracy Now! 5/12115656
- Afghanistan's' Chicago resistance - Malalai Joya 5/12115657
- Anti-war protesters rally in Grant Park - Chicago Tribune 5/12115661
- NATO Summit protest photos: Sunday, May 20 - Chicago Tribune115662
- "What Have We Been Doing?": Decorated Veteran Aaron Hughes to Return War Medals at Anti-NATO Protest 5/12115667
- Thousands protest in Chicago before NATO summit - Reuters 5/12115668
- NATO Summit Chicago: Protesters Return To Obama Campaign Headquarters - Huff Post 5/12115669
- NATO's hard sell at the summit - Chicago Tribune 5/12115673
- Reiner Braun on NATO - YouTube 4/12115674
- Why We Are Protesting the NATO Summit - CounterPunch 3/12115675
- Occupy Protesters Organize for NATO Summit In Chicago - Chicago Tribune 3/12115679
- Chicago bans anti-NATO protests - Russia Today 20.03.12115680
- Dividing the spoils: A primer on the NATO and G8 summits - ISR 3/12115681
- Thousands protest in Chicago as NATO summit opens - Reuters 19.05.12115685