Selected Articles
- Rohingya Blogger - YouTube143561
- Myanmar’s conflict-torn Rakhine state could face an imminent acute famine, UN report warns - AP News 08.11.24439490
- Disinformation and identity-based violence - Stanley Center for Peace and Security 01.11.24440561
- Rohingyas in firing line as Rakhine conflict intensifies - UN News 19.04.24408344
- Rohingya at Risk in Rakhine Fighting - HRW 09.02.24397755
- Coup, cyclone and a new bond between Myanmar’s Rohingya and Rakhine - Al Jazeera 31.07.23362966
- Stateless Rohingya could soon be the ‘new Palestinians’, top UN official warns - Guardian 30.05.23348125
- Myanmar’s planned Rohingya repatriation process must be smoothly implemented, continual, sustainable - Pressenza 12.02.23329984
- Surging crime and bleak future push Rohingya in Bangladesh to risk lives at sea - JapanTimes 25.01.23326761
- 10 years in dire conditions perpetuates severe mental health problems for Rohingya - Relief Web 14.07.22295368
- Rumbles in Rakhine amid strains between Myanmar military, rebels - Al Jazeera 24.11.21262270
- Mohib Ullah murder: Key suspect confesses in court - Dhaka Tribune 23.10.21259039
- Rights groups urge full probe into Rohingya leader’s killing - Al Jazeera 02.10.21256512
- Why murder Rohingya leader Mohib Ullah? - Dhaka Tribune 01.10.21259038
- Life at disaster’s edge: What it means to start over – again and again - New Humanitarian 06.05.21243392
- ‘We cannot hope for anything good’: Myanmar coup sparks despair for Rohingya - Guardian 14.02.21235104
- 'We all know what we're facing': divided Myanmar unites against coup - Guardian 10.02.21235837
- ‘We don’t matter’: Rohingya deprived of vote in Myanmar elections - Al Jazeera 06.11.20222538
- In Myanmar’s Rakhine State, trust in armed group grows as election hopes fade - New Humanitarian 04.11.20236187
- Facebook Wanted to Be a Force for Good in Myanmar. Now It Is Rejecting a Request to Help With a Genocide Investigation - TIME 18.08.20217465
- Myanmar bars Rohingya candidates from elections, again - HRW 18.08.20214397
- UN says Facebook has not shared 'evidence' of Myanmar crime - Al Jazeera 11.08.20213830
- Indiscriminate airstrikes kill civilians as Rakhine conflict worsens - Amnesty 08.07.20212263
- Myanmar army clash with insurgents kills five Rohingya - Reuters 01.03.20200261
- International Court of Justice Orders Burmese Authorities to Protect Rohingya Muslims from Genocide - Democracy Now 24.01.20196936
- UN report condemns its conduct in Myanmar as systemic failure - The Guardian 17.06.19187713
- Al Jazeera releases virtual reality project on Rohingya 28.09.17143562
- Why are posts by Rohingya activists getting deleted? - BBC 23.09.17143566
- Video: Rohingya: Hate speech, lies and media misinformation - Al Jazeera 16.09.17143567
- Is the West complicit in the Rohingya crisis? - New Internationalist 13.09.17143571
- The Guardian view on the Rohingya in Myanmar: the Lady’s failings, the military’s crimes 07.09.17143572
- Israel arming Myanmar amid ongoing Rohingya crackdown - Middle East Eye 06.09.17143576
- Israel continues to arm Burma military amid ongoing violence against Rohingya Muslims - Independent 06.09.17143577
- Is Rohingya persecution caused by business interests rather than religion? - Guardian 1/17143581
- China steps into Kachin conflict - Asia Times 2/12143582
- UN General Assembly voices concern for Myanmar's Muslims - Ahram Online 12/12143586
- Rohingya miss boat on development - Asia Times 11/12143587
- New Violence in Arakan State - hrw 10/12143591
- Brian McCartan: Bilateral repression for Myanmar's Rohingya - Asia Times 2/10143592
- Report: Muslim Minorities in Peril: The Rise of Buddhist Violence in Asia (Al Jazeera Centre for Studies, 2016)143596
- OIC General Secretariat calls on international community to stand firm with the Rohingya people in their Plight - OIC 25.08.22302482
- Five years after start of Rohingya genocide: Statement By Administrator Samantha Power - USAID 24.08.22302483
- Doctors of the World action plan for Rohingya refugees in Malaysia - MDM 25.08.22302486
- Stateless Rohingya continue to struggle for survival in Myanmar - UNHCR 25.08.22302491
- Rohingya stories: I long for peace, Five years after a forced exodus from Myanmar, Rohingya refugees share hopes and fears - MSF 24.08.22302493
- InterAction members raise awareness on the five-year anniversary of the Rohingya refugee crisis 26.08.22302528
- 5 years on: humanitarian needs remain urgent for Rohingya refugees - ECHO 25.08.22302540
- “We are Rohingya” photo exhibit launched in Cox’s Bazar - UNHCR 12.09.22304996
- Stateless Rohingya continue to struggle for survival in Myanmar - UN Country Team in Myanmar 09.09.22305015
- Myanmar: Facebook systems fostered violence against Rohingya; Meta property compensation - Amnesty International 29.09.22307822
- Mergui-Tavoy District Short Update: SAC soldiers arbitrarily detained and tortured a villager at a checkpoint in Ler K’Saw Township (November 2023) - Karen Human Rights Group…451322