NGOs & GOs
- ACODEV - Fédération des ONG de coopération au développement - Belgium142590
- Alternatiba, Village of Alternatives - Wikipedia 241810
- ATTAC - Another world is possible!241820
- Antiglobalization activists in Syria - Wikipedia241811
- Arc2020 - Good food, good farming, and better rural policis in the EU241809
- Centre for Social Innovation241817
- CNCD 11.11.11. - Belgium142587
- CONCORD - The European NGO confederation for relief and development142592
- Coordination SUD - La coordination nationale des ONG françaises de solidarité internationale - France142595
- Dissent Magazine241812
- FIAN - Belgium142591
- Global Justice Movement241821
- Land Workers Alliance241815
- NGO Federatie - Flemish Federation of NGOs for development cooperation - Belgium142581
- New Internationalist - tw198687
- Public Eye241818
- Public Citizen - Global Trade Watch241813
- Portal of the Flemish Nord-South Movement - Belgium142586
- United for a Fair Economy241819
- VENRO - umbrella organisation of development non-governmental organisations in Germany142596
- @LandworkersUK - Twitter241816
- @NEONGREENNET - connecting NGOs, business, public institutions and members of the public234228
- @PCGTW - Global Trade Watch on Twitter241814
- 11.11.11 - Belgium - facebook142582
- - Belgium142585