OTHER Countries
- A L B A N I A189815
- Milieukontakt Albania (member of Milieukontakt International Network)190195
- Transparency International Albania, Tirana - fb - events189817
- A N D O R R A 190213
- andorra - assemblea.cat190214
- B E L A R U S189408
- Assembly of NGOs in Belarus / Асамблея НДА - eng, bel190198
- SCI Belarus - Volunteering without borders, Minsk190241
- Human Rights Watch - Международная Наблюдательная Миссия в Республике Беларусь - Minsk, Belarus - eng, bel190199
- Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House - in Exile : Vilnius, Lithuania190200
- B O S N I A and H E R Z E G O V I N A 189401
- Center for Environment FoE / Centar za životnu sredinu, Banja Luka189709
- The Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) - Sarajewo, BH191167
- Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegowina + Albania + North Macedonia190429
- Business & Human Rights in Law - B O S N I A and H E R Z E G O V I N A198156
- BULGARIA :189624
- For the Earth FoE / Za Zemiata, Sofia - fb - events189710
- Extinction Rebellion Bulgaria - XR България197021
- Fridays for Future Bulgaria - Петъци за бъдеще България - Sofia197020
- Критична Маса България - Critical Mass Bulgaria190805
- Bulgarian Helsinki Committee - 1504 Sofia191514
- CVS - Cooperation for Voluntary Service - Sofia, Bulgaria190237
- Greenpeace Bulgaria - Грийнпийс България197022
- CROATIA :189541
- Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights - Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava - Osijek189542
- Human Rights House Zagreb / Kuća ljudskih prava Zagreb - CR190433
- Volunteers' Centre Zagreb, Croatia190238
- C Y P R U S189378
- Cyprus Initiative for Conscientious objection - Kıbrıs'ta vicdani ret - fb - events189617
- Friends of the Earth Cyprus / - Φίλοι της Γης Κύπρου - fb - events189711
- Make Music Nicosia, Cypris - 21 June190477
- Demilitarised Nicosia Askersiz Lefkoşa Aποστρατιωτικοποιημένη Λευκωσία - fb - events189619
- E S T O N I A189405
- Estonian Green Movement-FoE / Eesti Roheline Liikumine190854
- Friends of the Earth Estonia / Eesti Roheline Liikumine - Tarto - fb - eevents189881
- Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom - Okupatsioonide ja vabaduse muuseum Vabamu - Tallinn198076
- Fridays For Future Eesti - fb - events189882
- Extinction Rebellion Eesti - fb - events189883
- Feministeerium is an independent feminist web magazine in Estonia - Tallinn - ee, rus198078
- GREECE189644
- Association of Greek COs / Συνδεσμοσ Αντιρρησιων Συνειδησησ - Athens190581
- Extinction Rebellion Hellas - fb189424
- SCI Hellas190239
- Rosa-Luxembourg Foundation Greece - fb - events189427
- Greece : Kinimatorama - greek146921
- Heinrich Böll Stiftung Greece, Thessaloniki, GR191164
- ICELAND :189623
- Samtök hernaðarandstæðinga - Campaign Against Militarism - fb - events189630
- SEEDS Iceland - Voluntary for Iceland, Reyjavik190233
- K O S O V O196263
- Kosova Women's Network - Pristina196264
- Youth Initiative for Human Rights - Kosovo (YIHR KS)196265
- L A T V I A189406
- Friends of the Earth Latvia / Latvijas Zemes Draugi, Riga - fb - events189713
- Critical Mass / Kritiskā masa • Rīga, Latvia190814
- Green Liberty /Zaļā brīvība, Riga - fb - events189714
- Museum of the Occupation of Latvia & KGB Building - Riga - LV, rus, eng, ger198075
- Zero Waste Latvija190852
- L I T H U A N I A189407
- Friends of the Earth Lithuania / Lietuvos Zaliuju Judejimas, Kaunas - fb - 189712
- "Transparency International" Lietuvos skyrius - Vilnius190844
- Žiedinė Ekonomika / Zero Waste Lithuania 190850
- Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights - Okupacijų ir laisvės kovų muziejus - Vilnius198077
- Verein für Menschenrechte in Liechtenstein190104
- L U X E M B O U R G189373
- Youth For Climate Luxembourg - fb -events189735
- Rise for Climate Luxembourg - fb -events189737
- Extinction Rebellion Luxembourg - fb - events189736
- Luxembourg : Mouvement Écologique - Agenda146926
- Fête de la Musique - Luxembourg190473
- Frères des Hommes Luxembourg - fb - events190027
- M A C E D O N I A - North189395
- Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia, 1000 Skopje190672
- Мировна Акција - Peace Action - Aksioni Paqësor, Macedonia - events189394
- MALTA189718
- Friends of the Earth Malta / Moviment Ghall-Ambjent - fb - events189723
- Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta191458
- Occupy Justice Malta191457
- Cyklokoalícia - Bratislava, SK191169
- M O L D A V I A189829
- M O N T E N E G R O 190667
- Centar za ženska prava / Women's Rights Center - 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro190671
- Akcija za ljudska prava - Human Rights Action, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro190670
- CEDEM - Center for democracy and human rights / Centar za demokratiju i ljudska prava, 81000 Podgorica - Montenegro190669
- Zero Waste Montenegro190668
- R O M A N I A189409
- Fridays for Future Romania - fb - events189904
- Corupția ucide - ROM197015
- Climate Strike Romania - fb - events189905
- Service Civil International Romania - SCI-RO190227
- Bankwatch Romania - fb - events190031
- Rosia Montana in UNESCO World Heritage - ROM197016
- Greenpeace Romania197017
- S E R B I A189396
- 1od5miliona - oficijelna stranica - Serbia190413
- Women in Black Against War - Žene u Crnom protiv Rata, Beograd - events189400
- S L O V A K I A189377
- Za slušné Slovensko199346
- Fridays For Future Slovensko 189717