- Video: Honest Government Ad | Trickledown Economics194064
- Ministers of Germany, Brazil, South Africa and Spain: why we need a global tax on billionaires - Guardian 25.04.24408848
- Here’s a world-leading step the government could take to tackle tax evasion - LFF 09.05.23347007
- French prosecutors raid five banks in massive tax fraud case - Al Jazeera 29.03.23337917
- $1 trillion in the shade – the annual profits multinational corporations shift to tax havens continues to climb and climb - Conversation 23.02.23332137
- Implimenting fair taxes to end poverty - Borgen Project 23.02.23331614
- The making of tax haven Mauritius - New Int 16.02.23330417
- Australia Leads Against Large Multinational Corporations’ Tax Dodging - IPS 06.02.23330779
- Joseph Stiglitz: tax high earners at 70% to tackle widening inequality - Guardian 22.01.23326352
- 200+ Millionaires to World Leaders at Davos: 'Tax the Ultra-Rich and Do It Now' - CD 19.01.23326344
- Trump Organization found guilty of tax fraud – as it happened - Guardian 06.12.22320845
- Europe put tax havens in the Caribbean – and now punishes them for it - Guardian 22.08.22301765
- Right-Wing Dark Money Group Gets $1.6 Billion Donation From Tax-Dodging Business Mogul - CD 22.08.22304389
- Here are 10 ways billionaires avoid taxes on an epic scale - Alter Net 26.06.22293172
- REPORT: America's wealthy family dynasties—like the Waltons and Kochs—are set to dodge $8.4 trillion of estate taxes in coming decades... - Americans For Tax Fairness on Twi…273154
- There's no denying our economy and democracy are rigged in favor of the ultra-wealthy. When the richest 100 Americans have 60,000 times more political power than the bottom …273153
- Video: Buy. Borrow. Die. | How The Rich Stay Rich - Marko - WhiteBoard Finance 19.11.21314026
- The global tax system is broken. We can’t trust rich countries to fix it - Jacobin 11.10.21257707
- Billionaires Need to Get on Board With More Taxes or Expect the Pitchforks - Common Dreams 28.08.21254006
- Image: If a rich wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly - RaggedTP 21.08.22310238
- Tax on billionaires’ Covid windfall could vaccinate every adult on Earth - Guardian 12.08.21252437
- America's Billionaires: Borrowing Their Way to Tax Avoidance - Common Dreams 30.07.21252135
- How The Rich Use The Buy, Borrow Die Strategy To Avoid Large Tax Bills - Forbes 14.07.22314025
- Rich countries must not resist a tax deal that can do so much for the world’s poor - Guardian 30.05.21246560
- The secret tax loophole making the rich even richer - Alter Net 21.05.21245309
- 'This Is Tax Evasion': Richest 1% of US Households Don't Report 21% of Their Income, Analysis Finds - CD 22.03.21239226
- Faced With COVID-19, Africa Shouldn’t Worry About Debt, But How to Make Tax Evaders Pay - CD 07.10.20218772
- Corruption and tax-dodging ‘rampant’, urgent reforms needed: UN panel - UN News 24.09.20218378
- Ranking the Infinite Greed, Power and Controls of Giant Corporations - CD 07.08.20214249
- US Slammed as 'Rogue State' for Withdrawing From Global Effort to Make Tech Giants Pay Fair Share in Taxes - CD 18.06.20211794
- Nearly 400,000 British companies evade anti-money laundering checks - Open Democracy 06.06.20209177
- Waiting for Godot: tackling multinationals’ tax avoidance - Social Europe 19.05.20208153
- Taxing the Rich to Fund Welfare Is the Nobel Winner’s Growth Mantra - Bloomberg 22.10.19197275
- Trump, Granting Lobbyist Demands, Quietly Handed Billions More in Tax Breaks to Huge Corporations: Report - Common Dreams 30.12.19194906
- New Analysis Details 'Aggressive' Tax Dodging of Six Silicon Valley Giants—Totaling Over $100 Billion - Guardian 02.12.2019192131
- Spanish prosecutors file tax fraud charges against pop star Shakira - FT 14.12.18196776
- "According to prosecutors, Shakira did not pay taxes on income she received through 14 shell companies in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Malta, Luxembourg, and P…196775
- Multinationals pay lower taxes than a decade ago - Financial Times 11.03.18142689
- Video: How corrupt is your country? - Al Jazeera 25.02.18142693
- US Surpasses Cayman Islands to Become Second Largest Tax Haven on Earth - Common Dreams 30.01.18142694
- Tax avoidance by big firms is morally wrong, say nine out of 10 in UK - Guardian 27.11.17142695
- The Heist We're Talking About And What The UK Government Should Do To Help Stop It - Oxfam 08.11.17142699
- The Influencers: explore the offshore connections of 13 Trump advisers, donors & cabinet members - ICIJ 05.11.17142700
- Global Crises Accelerate as Tax Havens Hide Trillions for World's Greedy Few - Common Dreams 13.09.17142701
- Larry Elliot: Should the rich be taxed more? A new paper shows unequivocally yes - Guardian 27.08.17142705
- Here's Why White-Collar Criminals Often Go Free - Bloomberg 13.07.17142706
- Inequality and poverty: the hidden costs of tax dodging - Oxfam International 07/17142707
- Book: Dirty Secrets: How Tax Havens Destroy the Economy - Murphy, R02/17142712
- Davos 2017: Oxfam attacks failing global tax avoidance battle - Guardian 19.01.17142713
- Bermuda named world’s worst tax haven - Oxfam 12.12.16142717
- Crackdown on tax havens, for some - Financial Transparency Coalition 07.12.16142718
- Noose tightens on tax havens in global crackdown - FT 07.12.16142719
- Tax havens helped get likes of Donald Trump elected, experts say - Guardian 15.11.16142723
- UN seeks to shut all tax havens - FinBuzz 19.10.16142724
- Apple and Donald Trump: two sides of a very strange coin – Social Europe 17.10.16142725
- Africa is rich in resources – but tax havens are keeping its people poor - WE Forum 17.05.16142729
- Tax havens have no economic justification, say top economists - Guardian 09.05.16142730
- The Anti-Corruption Summit: a global opportunity - Transparency International 09.05.16142731
- Offshore finance: more than $12tn siphoned out of emerging countries - Guardian 08.05.16142735
- The Cayman Islands – home to 100,000 companies and the £8.50 packet of fish fingers - Guardian 16.01.16142736
- The Intractable Problem of Tax Havens - The Atlantic 18.11.15142737
- Still Broken: major new report on global corporate tax cheating - TJN 10.11.15142741
- A turning point on tax avoidance? - NEF 22.10.15142742
- So: what kinds of corporate tax schemes won’t BEPS stop? - TJN 8.10.15142743
- Fight against tax dodging: French national assembly takes historic step - Eurodad 04.12.15142747
- Tax reforms are small beer when big firms are denying poor countries billions - Guardian 08.10.15142748
- Study: Offshore Tax Dodging by U.S. Multinationals Costs Taxpayers $90 Billion per Year - Fact Coalition 06.10.15142749
- GATJ: OECD tweaks to tax rules for multinational corporations fall short on transparency, inclusivity - TJN 06.10.15142753
- Press release: OECD’s BEPS proposals will not be the end of tax avoidance by multinationals - TJN 05.10.15142754
- IMF: developing countries’ BEPS revenue losses exceed $200 billion - Uncounted 01.10.15142755
- Why tax havens will be at the heart of the next financial crisis - Tackle Tax Havens 03.09.15142759
- Global tax system : what if we changed the rules of the game ? - Ideas4Development 01.09.15142760
- Corporate tax dodgers will love Trump's plan to crack down on corporate tax dodgers - Fortune 8/15142761
- How Much Do We Really Know about Multinational Tax Avoidance and How Much Is it Really Worth? - CGDev 12.07.15142765
- Disappointment as European Commission fails to address tax dodging - Eurodad 17.06.15142766
- Remedy for a trillion dollar problem? - Devex 17.06.15142767
- HSBC, JPMorgan may move parts of businesses to Luxembourg - Reuters 16.06.15142771
- #StopTaxDodging Campaign: Putting an end to unfair tax policies - FTT 11.06.15142772
- Stop the Bleeding: a new African campaign on illicit flows - FTT 10.06.15142773
- Gender and tax justice - Open Democracy 05.06.16142777
- Illicit Flows in the Poorest of Places - GFI 04.06.15142778
- New Study: Illicit Outflows Correlate to Higher Poverty and Inequality, Lower Human Development - GFI 03.06.15142779
- Tax dodging by big firms ‘robs poor countries of billions of dollars a year’ - Guardian 02.06.15142783
- Amazon to Stop Funneling European Sales Through Low-Tax Haven - NYT 24.05.15142784
- Let’s get fiscal – human rights advocates are tackling tax injustice - Open Democracy 08.04.15142785
- Cracking down on tax abuse will help promote economic and social rights - Open Democracy 18.02.15142789
- Five take-aways for Europe from the African Union’s High-Level report on illicit financial flows - Eurodad 04/02/15142790
- The true costs of tax avoidance - World Finance 20.01.15142791
- Loophole USA: the vortex-shaped hole in global financial transparency - TJN 26.01.15142795
- Financing for Whose Development? How Official Development Finance Institutions support Tax Havens - TJN 07.01.15142796
- Developing countries and corporate tax – ten ways forward - Tax Justice Network 20.12.14142797
- $2 lost for every $1 gained: New report shows global financial system fails developing countries - Eurodad 18.12.14142801
- Illicit financial flows growing faster than global economy, reveals new report - Guardian 16.12.14142802
- On so-called “tax competition” - Tax Justice Network 11.12.14142803
- G20 tax avoidance pledge 'still leaves poor countries vulnerable' - Guardian 16.11.14142807
- We know how to eradicate tax abuse. So why aren’t businesses doing it? - Guardian 05.11.14142808
- Finding The Money: How Capping Illicit Flows Can Spur Development - FTC 31.10.14142809
- Pressure grows to tighten global tax rules - BBC 31.10.14142813
- Tough talk on tax means nothing if every country does different things - Guardian 04.10.14142814
- OECD BEPS process: Minor victories in the battle against tax dodging, but we risk losing the war - Eurodad 27.09.14142819