Fragile States
- Rethink Fragility157675
- Fragile States Blog (Seth Kaplan)157676
- Fragile States Topic Guide - GSDRC157677
- Crisis States Research Network157681
- Sequencing reforms in fragile states topic guide - GSDRC 157682
- CGDev - Fragile States157685
- ODI - Publications on Aid to Fragile States157686
- OECD - States of Fragility Reports157687
- IFAD - Fragile States: Working to Build Resilience157690
- Oxford Policy Management - Fragile States Research157691
- Oxfam - Within & Without the State Program157692
- International Engagement in Fragile States: Can't we do better? - OECD157696
- U4 - Fragile States Research157697
- Ethnic Power Relations and Conflict (ETH Zurich)157702
- Fragile States Index - The Fund for Peace157703
- Fragile States Index 2014 (Foreign Policy Magazine)157704
- Pulitzer Center - Fragile States Gateway157707
- African Development Bank - High Level Panel on Fragile States157708
- A New Deal for engagement in fragile states (PBS Dialogue)157709
- Wikipedia - Fragile State157713
- World Bank - Conflict, Fragility & Violence157714
- Legitimacy, Statebuilding and Conflict - GSDRC Topic Guide157715
- High-Level Panel on Decent Work in Fragile States (March 2014 Conference)157718
- Book: Fragile States (Lothar Brock et all, 2011)157719
- Book: Fixing Failed States: A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World (Ashraf Ghani & Clare Lockhart, 2008)157720
- 17 suggestions for supporting peacebuilding in fragile states - Guardian 07/15157724
- Report: Rethinking Engagement in Fragile States - CSIS 07/15157725
- In the margins: Fragile states and the future of extreme poverty - World Vision 04/15157726
- Report: Promoting Climate-Resilient Peacebuilding in Fragile States - IISD 04/15157730
- Report: Working Differently in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations: The ADB Experience - Asian Development Bank 12/12157731
- Report: Growth and Livelihoods in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations - SLRC 11/12157732
- Briefing: Public financial management reform in fragile states - ODI 10/12157736
- Report: Meeting the Challenges of Crisis States - LSE 10/12157737
- How To Note: Managing for Results in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States and Situations - DFID 02/12157738
- Paper: Ten Years of Fragile States: What Have We Learned? - Brookings 11/11157742
- Time for a new deal for 'fragile states' - Guardian 11/11157743
- Paper: Fragile States and Development Policy - LSE 01/11157744
- Paper: The Road to the New Deal for Fragile States - PBS Dialogue, 2011 157748
- Brief: Fragile states: beyond quick wins - ODI 05/10157749
- Report: Development, security and transitions in fragile states: A meeting series report - ODI 03/10157750
- International engagement in fragile states: lessons from Southern Sudan (pdf) - ODI 11/09157754
- Report: Social Protection in Fragile States: Lessons Learned - OECD 2009157755
- Report: Fragile States - CRISE Network 01/09157756
- Guide: Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning for Fragile States & Peacebuilding Programs - Social Impact 2006157760