Ethnic Conflicts & Nationalism as a disease
- Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict19208
- - Teaching Tolerance, Southern Poverty Law Centre19209
- Global Issues of the Twenty-First Century: United Nations Challenges - Conflict19213
- Prof. Will H. Moore's Political Violence, Ethnic Conflict Mobilization Research19214
- Video: The plague of nationalism - Song by Bob De Baecke233726
- The Mindsets Factor in Ethnic Conflict - Amazon Books19215
- Ethnic Conflict in the Post-Soviet World: Case Studies and Analysis (Book)19218
- War As Illness - Emil Flusser & Albert Einstein19227
- Queen's University Belfast - Centre For The Study Of Ethnic Conflict352094
- Universiteit Leiden - Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development (MSc)352099
- The Nationalism Project19228
- AP News352096
- Euro News352146
- The Conversation352110
- Ethnic Nationalism - Wikipedia19229
- Ethnic Conflict - Wikipedia19230
- Nationalism - Wikipedia19231
- Rise of nationalism in Europe - Wikipedia352153
- Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict - Wondrium Daily 29.11.22352104
- Nationalism is the ideology of our age. No wonder the world is in crisis - Guardian 15.11.22352154
- Weaponising nationalism poses a threat to peace - HT 18.09.22352159
- Modernization, social identity, and ethnic conflict - Science Direct 11/21352097
- Journal: Everyday peace capture: Nationalism and the dynamics of peace after violent conflict - Wiley 13.03.20352149
- Resolving ethnic conflict - Civic nationalism: a theoretical tool for the ending of civil war? - TNI 11.02.20352105
- How Ethnic Conflict Happens - Yale Books 04.02.20352108
- Book: Ethnic Conflict In World Politics - Barbara Harff, 2019352109
- Rising Nationalism Threatens Multilateralism’s 70-Year ‘Proven Track Record’ of Saving Lives, Preventing Wars, Secretary-General Tells Security Council - UN 09.11.18352155
- UN Rights Chief: Rise of Extreme Nationalism Threat to Global Peace - VOA 18.06.18352158
- Types of Ethnic Conflict - Research Gate 03/18352160
- International Relations on the Rise of Nationalism: International Security - MJPS 09.02.18352156
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- Segregation, Polarization, and Ethnic Conflict - SAGE 10.07.16352164
- Linking Instrumentalist and Primordialist Theories of Ethnic Conflict - E-International Relations 01.06.16352103
- Paper: Can Institutions Resolve Ethnic Conflict? - World Bank 25.06.13352182
- Book: Wars and nationalisms - John A. Hall, Siniša Malešević, 2013352150
- How Significant is Nationalism as a Cause of War? - E-International Relations 19.06.12352147
- Paper: On the Theory of Ethnic Conflict - LSE 06/12352161
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- Book: Ethnic Conflict: A Global Perspective - Stefan Wolff, 2007352107
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- The Leader of the Pack - USA 2/9919220
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- History in the service of ideology - The construction of nationhood - WSWS 4/9919222
- Journal: Domestic Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Nepotism: A Comparative Analysis - SAGE 01/99352106
- Ethnic Conflict in Caucasus Shows Glimmer of Hope - NY Times 9/9819223
- The Cyprus Problem: A Brief Overview (1996)19224
- The Sociology of Ethnic Conflicts: Comparative International Perspectives - Annual Reviews 08/94352102
- Approaches to the Resolution of Ethnic Conflict: The Strategy of Non-territorial Autonomy - SAGE 04/94352163
- Report: Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Threats to European Security - SIPRI, 1993352151
- Book: The Politics of Ethnic Conflict Regulation Case Studies of Protracted Ethnic Conflicts - John McGarry, Brendan O'Leary, 1993352101
- International Ramifications of Yugoslavia's Serial Wars: The Challenge of Ethno-National Conflicts (Archive)19216
- Africa: Politics of Ethnic Conflict (GO 132) (Archive)19210
- Small Wars (Archive)19212
- Small Arms - A Global Problem (Archive)19211
- Peacekeeping Citation List - Center for Defence Information (Archive)19217
- Pols 3300: Ethnic Conflict (Archive)19219
- Sri Lanka: Is Devolution a Solution to the Ethnic Conflict? 12/95 (Archive)19225