Videos on Climate
- DEMOCRACY NOW! - Climate Change61339
- GLOBAL DEMOCRACY - Global Warming 61340
- YOU TUBE on "Climate Change" !61341
- DW Planet A - YouTube Channel360147
- Our Changing Climate - YouTube253962
- UN Climate Change - YouTube260727
- UNITED NATIONS - YouTube Channel61342
- ELEMENTAL - the film61343
- YouTube - Climate Camp TV61344
- YouTube - Climate Change + Activism61345
- Do the Math - The Movie | Official Trailer 61346
- DO THE MATH - The Movie from (YouTube)61347
- A ragged band of campers sing... - the modern Diggers's Song61349
- An INCONVENIENT TRUTH - Al Gore film61350
- An Inconvenient Truth (2006 Film) - Wikipedia61351
- AIT in the Classroom - An Inconvenient Truth Study Guide61352
- RIBA Programmes > RIBA - Hermann Scheer on Integration of Renewable Energies61357
- The RIBA Trust Annual Lecture: Lord Stern (Part 1) - Economic Implications of Climate Change61358
- RIBA - Herbert Girardet part 1 - 'The Compelling Logic of Positive Action.'61359
- Picture Gallery on Nuclear Power - CCNR61361
- How empowering women and girls can help stop global warming - TED Talk193417
- Name That Climate Acronym: Episode #7 - Connect4Climate 14.06.23356864
- Global Warming: The Decade We Lost Earth - Simon Clark 17.03.23336138
- German government chose ‘profit over people’ says German climate activist Luisa Neubauer - Channel 4 09.01.23328122
- Video: Is the world really making progress on climate change? - Al Jazeera 10/21257977
- #ClimateChange is no joke. But with @sarahcpr , the laughs come from the denier in chief - World War Zero on Twitter 9/20218721
- Luisa Neubauer : Why you should be a climate activist - TED 07/2019219009
- Bill McKibben Do the Math at Rutgers 2/4/201361348
- Capitalism Is Killing the Planet: How Can We Fight Back - YouTube 2/1361355
- Al Gore on Climate Crisis: 'We Have the Solutions, But We’ve Got to Move Faster - UMN 29.10.1161354
- Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Presidential Candidate, on Climate Change ! - YouTube 5/0761356